12 March 2017

The productivity curse

As I get older, it feels like life gets faster- I have so little time and a mile long to do list, so my productivity needs to increase exponentially with each moment of my existence. Every year it seems like I'm missing something that I should've already done. Shouldn't I have had a job before I was 16? Why don't I have my licence at 17? Shouldn't a truly committed artist have started to promote her work before she became an adult?

I'm already gearing up for the other "important successful adult milestones" I'm going to miss.. Shouldn't you have started a business when you were 20? Wouldn't it be good to have kids before you're 25? Why haven't you bought a house yet? Aren't you too old to backpack across Europe?

Then, I'll be scrolling through instagram, and realise that an artist I love and consider young and successful is actually 32, and 32 isn't really as old as I thought it was- and for a brief moment, I remember that I've got plenty of time. Everything is going to be ok.


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