23 January 2017

Thinking in extremes

One afternoon in the car, my mum happened to suggest that perhaps a mid length haircut might be more flattering on me- to which I had an overly emotional reaction generally expressing that I felt short hair and long hair to be valid forms of self expression but hair of "mid length" would be a FATAL SIN against my moral code of decisive behaviour. I didn't even realise I held this ridiculous opinion but it's unsettling surfacing forced me to evaluate the underlying problem- I tend to think in extremes.

This pattern unhelpfully expresses itself in a few ways. It's quite problematic when I have something due, I don't like to work on little bit of all my assessment, one step at a time. NO, I WILL STAY UP AND DO THIS ENTIRE ESSAY TONIGHT... then and only then, will I move on with the next thing. I even tend to deal with novels and art projects like this- working obsessively on a work or working my way through a book in a way where it consumes all my time. I WILL NOT REST UNTIL IT'S ALL DONE. None of this half finish rubbish. I clean like this too. Instead of tidying up half way through, it's either a disgusting mess or my room is spotless. I think the worst instances are  when I'm eating though- I'll be having either the whole packet, or nothing at all. 

A couple of weeks after the conversation, I went to get my hair trimmed. Some how cutting off 5cm of split ends morphed into a full blown 20cm chop- taking my hair to a respectable mid length. Not to be too philosophical, but I think it might be a sign that I should probably start embracing the grey area of the in between- before I give myself an extremely horrible headache. 

I hope you have a lovely week.


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