I thought it was a high school thing. That once I escaped lists of assignments that needed completing, teachers that needed emailing back and group projects I had to coordinate- I would be totally fine. But it's been months since I finished school, and I've remained perpetually busy. In fact, I think it might've become a lifestyle- I am a busy person... and I'm worried I mightn't be able to stop.
There are many versions of the "busy person"- from the friends who are so overbooked they inconveniently cancel plans at the last minute, to the mothers who parent like it's a military operation. Being "busy" is always passed off as some legitimate side effect of being a successful adult, but I'm skeptical. You see, when someone blows me off because they're JUST TOO BUSY, I feel indignant- I'm busy too!... Everyone's busy.
Confusing busyness with my personal identity is really just arrogance- a symptom of the belief that somehow the world will end if I post my letters today, rather than tomorrow. I might not have cured myself importance yet, but I know life will be a lot happier when I eventually make peace with the fact that as a small spec of dust in the vastness of space, the timeliness of my personal schedule is pretty freaking insignificant.
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