I still stand by this. When I see the moments that people capture- laughing on the train with friends, a rainbow across the carpet, successful eye makeup- it all reminds me that the little pieces of good in my day are worth recording. Even seeing a cute little breakfast of peanut butter and banana on toast can persuade me to actually take time to appreciate eating food and perhaps put it on a plate for once- rather than snacking out of the fridge. Yes, a feed is just a highlights real- but amongst the less than candid images, I'm slowly being taught to recognise the beauty in my own life.
However, since I wasn't experiencing any feelings of animosity towards my body or growing jealous of others instagramed travels, parties, art or friends- I hadn't realised I was susceptible to the discontent that can accompany an overdose of visual perfection. That was, until, I was standing in front of my wardrobe thinking "My clothes don't suit the style I'm trying to achieve- I wish I could replace them all"- WHAT? What type of a thought is that? It's so self defeating. Yes, my clothes aren't beautifully colour coordinated, but all they actually need is a bit of a sort through- culling the ones I don't like anymore.
I think seeing how people's lives seem so "matchy" online, I sometimes want to start over- get rid of everything and reassemble all my stuff so it's coordinated. That's fine, except when I think buying more stuff (aka spending all my savings) will sort this out. People filter their lives online, and I can actually apply this concept to "curating" my actual life by sorting and organising.
Anyway, this was a bit of a ramble- but basically, a) recognising lovely little bits of life makes the entire experience more gratifying & b) you don't need more stuff to be happy, curating takes time and effort but I think it's way more gratifying than buying a prefabricated lifestyle at Kmart.
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