The entire way through school I was "high achiever girl"- winning awards, toping classes, acing tests... you know, the normal stereotypical smart kid stuff. Anyway, every year I watched a whole lot of people graduate and heard how the year 12 cohort that year was all celebrating finishing school. Meanwhile, the nasty little arrogant voice in my head was asking- why is everyone celebrating? Some people did't work hard in school, they don't deserve to be celebrating because they haven't achieved anything!
Oh past me, how could you be so wrong?
High school is hard. High school is trying to figure out who you are, while trying to grow up, while trying to figure out what you believe, while being told what to do, while contemplating whether what you're being told is true, all while having very little control over the way you live.
All in all, it's a difficult, emotional, confusing time, and whether you passed everything with full marks, or didn't even remember to hand most things in- I'm sure you had (or will have) plenty of problems.
So, as long as you make it out the other side- you deserve to celebrate, cause if high school teaches you one thing, it's that life can screw you over- but you're pretty freaking tough.
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