9 April 2017

Utterly unique

I think I'm pretty individual and apparently, chances are, you think you are too. Ever watched a movie where the protagonist is a bit out an outsider? Chances are you (and everyone else) identified with them. Recently, I was reading about the Barnum affect- basically, people think personality reports that are completely general are very accurate if they're told it's a custom report. There was a study done on this where a bunch of subjects were given a list of  personality attributes and told it was a unique report- on average, people thought the list accurately described them... but everyone's list was exactly the same. I don't believe that every is identical in what they think and feel, but at our core, we all feel unique, and we all are unique- but that's what makes us the same.

I'm not here to dash anyone's hopes about the human capacity for free will. I'd just like to relate this information to a very unhelpful opinion I'd held for a very long time. I use to think that to be an individual, I had to like very alternative things- anything trendy? That's for all those boring sheeple (sheep-people) who don't think for themselves! I'm too special to be like them.

Then I had a bit of a revelation consisting of two parts:

1. All that retro-vintage stuff I think is so cool? It was totally popular and completely ubiquitous back in its day... and people (i.e. my parents) love talking about how they owned the same stuff and liked the same bands back then- there's a solidarity amongst people who've liked the same things, and usually they all liked things because they were good...

2. which brings me to my second point- lots of other lovely, smart, unique people like this trendy thing- that's why it's a trend. I like converse, dr martens, adidas superstars, pastel pink hair, fairy lights, overalls... and other people do too, because those things are RAD.

All in all, I think I finally understand that being the perfectly unique person I am means unashamedly liking everything I want to, no matter whether everyone else agrees or not!


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